Type 44: Strange oily wet pattern around No.4 sparkplug.
Bill Rowe
rowe at yankeeprinter.com
Mon Feb 25 16:33:45 EST 2002
22 ft lbs I believe.
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of William Ng
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 4:25 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Type 44: Strange oily wet pattern around No.4 sparkplug.
A few weeks ago, I noticed what looks like motor oil, wet staining the
area around the #4 sparkplug hole. I couldn't spot a loose spark plug so
I made a mental note of it, thinking maybe I spilled something there.
This weekend while satiating the 200q's appetite for Pentosin, I noticed
that the wetness has spread outward and upward on the cylinder head. But
the sparkplug cable/boot is dry. The stain looks like oil, there's no
black soot or gasoline smell.
Well, it's either just a loose sparkplug or the PO has stripped that
hole and there's a Helacoil in there that's not sealing properly. :-\
Just wanted to know how do the plug wires come off, since these have
metal jackets. Do they pull out like other rubber-booted cables? What is
the torque spec for our sparkplugs? My Bentleys are about 250 miles away
from me.
William Ng
1990 200 quattro
audi200quattro at yahoo.com willng at netzero.net
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