4kq swaybar questions

nicksimc at plu.edu nicksimc at plu.edu
Mon Feb 25 17:11:25 EST 2002

I have been looking around at swaybar options for my 84 4kq, and was
wondering how the 4k front bar compares to the Blau bar. (I do like the
'price' of the OE piece...)

How do the pre-84 bars compare to the 85-on bars?  I assume that the later
bars are an improvement, but just want to be sure.  I know that I'll have
to use the later control arms and linkage as well if I go to the 85-on
style, but I'm willing to do this if it is worth it, and the bushings are
to be replaced anyway.

Should I match the bars front to back?  85- on front and back sounds nice,
but to lower the budget, I was considering upgrading the front to 85 spec,
and switch the 84 bar to the rear.

Thanks in advance

M Nicksic

82 4ks
84 4ksq

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