limerock gathering

Huw Powell human747 at
Mon Feb 25 23:49:05 EST 2002

>   I find it hard to understand why only 2 people have
> showed interest in gathering at Limerock park in Conn
> for any day during the Memorial Day weekend to see the
> Audi's race
>  tix prices are reasonable can even get them the day
> of the races couldn't be more simpler
>  I think everyone is still stupified at Mt W being
> canceled me included brought my 4(now 5) year old
> daughter to Mt W last year and she had an increadably
> great time loved the race cars even took a pix with
> Frank in front of his Quattro I was a proud papa

MtW was also Audi sponsored, and we had the NEQ club arranged corral,
which made it a veyr nice experience.  Also the drive up into the
valleys is something to look forward to.

CT?  Don't mean to be rude to those who like it, but usually excuses
*not* to go there are collected and used when needed.

Pity, because LR could be a lot of fun too I suppose - but I guess we'd
be stuck with "random access" parking?  No row of 70 Audis to wander up
and down with ease...

I guess we are also all spoiled by the "special" nature of attending an
Audi-sponsored race.  mebbe things will heat up in terms of LRP interest
as it gets closer?

Huw Powell

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