Back from the shop....

Richard Hoffman billzcat1 at
Tue Feb 26 00:50:35 EST 2002

For obvious reasons!  $1200 to do the PS pump and bomb in my CQ!  Crazy
mofos! all of them!
So I've heard a couple times before that the bomb can be had new for around
$230?  Maybe this is aerial extraction but I think I've heard that figure
before.  I'm going to check my usual 3 - adirondack, blau and tpc.  At this
point the bomb is not rechargeable :( Any other hot tips???

Also - power steering pump - "on it's way out" sez the mechanics.  Where to
get a new one for less than $450??  Again, looking for something in the
$200-$300 range.  Again I will try the usual suspects.
Anyone have a used one they would like to get rid of?  I know there are a
few out there with CQ parts cars..Rick Houck perchance? :)

Thanks fellas!

1990 CQ 199K

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