4kq swaybar questions

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Tue Feb 26 09:03:52 EST 2002

The bar itself is the same however there are two ways of mounting the bar
The change in mid '85.
Previous version '81-mid'85 attaches using brackets that use only one bolt
and bracket pivots into place via tab.
Mid'85 and newer use two bolts and nuts are welded onto the subframe part.
Much easier to install.

Hope this helps.

Martin Pajak


1983 Audi Ur-quattro (265,000 km) Canada spec. Winter car
1985 Audi Ur-quattro (141,000 km) Euro spec. import ;o)

> nicksimc at plu.edu writes:
> > How do the pre-84 bars compare to the 85-on bars?  I assume
> that the later
> > bars are an improvement, but just want to be sure.  I know that
> I'll have
> > to use the later control arms and linkage as well if I go to the 85-on
> > style, but I'm willing to do this if it is worth it, and the
> bushings are
> > to be replaced anyway.
> The switchover to the front bar with the link rods at the end actually
> occurred in mid-1983 model year in the 4000 and coupe series (earlier
> 4Ks and coupes have the bar ends attached directly to the control arm
> without the link rod).  I am not aware of any further change for
> m.y. 1985.
> Since the 4kq was introduced in the 1984 m.y. in the US, all of them have
> the "new" style bars.
> -Ti
> 01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
> 84 5000S 2.1 turbo
> 80 4000 2.0
> --
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>    ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at amb.org
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