wet carpet in the 4kq
joel nevin
joelnevin at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 14:16:24 EST 2002
a couple things to check.
1. Look under the car check to make sure that the
floorpan is not rusted through.
2. Also check the A/C drainage, mine was plugged on my
93 90q, and the water from the condensor couldn't
drain out so was leaking right down into the drivers
side footwell. What an awful mold smell!!
--- Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl> wrote:
> "nwloves" <dloves at myhome.net> wrote:
> >Well all I seem to have a wet floor situation with
> the rear passenger side
> >carpet.
> >The trunk is dry and the door seals visually look
> to be great the windows
> >are rolled up, the sunroof is closed and there is a
> lot of water (not damp
> >but wet)
> >It is confined only to that area.
> >Any experienced listers know where the water might
> be coming from?
> >It's an '86 4kcsq.
> EXACTLY the same problem in my '88 90q, except that
> it is sunroofless and
> it's the driver's side. I can't find a leak in the
> door or window seals,
> nor any obvious place where water would enter the
> car...
> Tom
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