Back from the shop....

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Feb 26 15:54:47 EST 2002

Brillant observation!  I really never thought of this
WRT car repairs.  I work in construction, and have
done the same thing.  Sometimes pricing 3,4,5x the
actual to get them to go away.  Usually messy, cats,
PITA nitpickers or mind changers.  I don't know why I
didn't see this before.

Jim Accordino

--- Burl Vibert <blur at> wrote:

> In my experience, a mechanic will quote very high on
> jobs he really
> doesn't want to do to hopefully make you go away.
> If you want to pay
> that much then they don't mind doing it as much;-)
>  A friend of mine is a very reputable mechanic but
> hates working on
> most things Audi.  He just simply tells me he
> doesn't want to do it.
> He's busy enough to pick jobs he doesn't mind.
> Burl Vibert
> 1987 5kcstq
> Kingston, Ontario

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