Seattle area used parts

Joseph Rae quattro at
Wed Feb 27 02:20:49 EST 2002

The problem with bry's was that he had the druggy/alcoholics working for
him, their basic tools for removing parts from cars consisted of Flat
screwdriver for prying parts off, Phillips head for some screws, a
monkey wrench for misc bolts, cutters for cutting wiring harnesses, and
an axe or torch for cutting metal. The times I saw them dump the
contents of a gas tank, or radiator onto the ground. Usually dumping the
contents of the gas tank after puncturing the gas tank with something
sharp (AXE, or screwdriver) all this being done while smoking.

Also Bry did not keep the books too well. His if you can carry it out in
your pockets its free, if not, its $20 for misc parts probably didn't
help his pocket book.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
Behalf Of nicksimc
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:56 PM
To: Pat
Cc: quattro at
Subject: RE: Seattle area used parts

I had heard that Bry was shut down for tax reasons, but the
environmental thing is no surprise at all.  Then again every yard I've
been in should probably be classified as a Superfund site.

If you remember the Audi yard, please let me know.  Someone in my apt.
building mentioned Bernard Imports in Tukwila, but he couldn't tell me
about the Audi percentage and I haven't tracked down a phone number yet.
Anyone know this place?

Matt Nicksic
82 4ks
84 4ksq
>===== Original Message From Pat <tm2 at> =====
>I used to go to Bryes when it was just off the West Seattle bridge. The

>tow truck driver who picked up cars for him told me that the countys
>been trying to shut him down because the his yard is enviromenally
>unfriendly.  They couldn't do a thing because he was grandfathered in.

>His dad originally owed the yard way back and still was in his name.
>When he moved I assumed the county finally shut him
>If you were ever in that yard you would see what I mean.
>Therer is another Audi yard in South Seattle somewhere but I can't
>name of it.  Have tried Fitz Auto Wrecking?
>Pat Korach
>Kirkland, WA
>nicksimc wrote:
>> My father saw a diesel 4k in a yard out on the Peninsula, and the
>> yard
>> large enough that they probably have an Audi section.  I don't know
>> the name off the top of my head, but I should be there this weekend,
>> so I'll have the details on Monday.
>> I was at Bry's near the end when they were forklifting all the cars
>> onto a wrecker, and I still kick myself for not grabbing the MC
>> engine that was sitting on the ground...
>> Matt
>> 82 4ks
>> 84 4ksq
>> >From: "nwloves" <dloves at>
>> >To: "Steve Arbaugh" <sneakers at>,
>> >       "Quattro List" <quattro at>
>> >Subject: Re: Seattle area used parts
>> >Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 20:39:24 -0800
>> >
>> >Boy I didn't know that Bry's was gone.
>> >Guess you might be stuck with ol Max in Adna.
>> >Oops. Didn't mean to get anyone stirred up but on the otherhand you
>> might be
>> >able to get along with them and come up with a world of parts
>> >----- Original Message -----
>> >From: Steve Arbaugh <sneakers at>
>> >To: Quattro List <quattro at>
>> >Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 7:36 PM
>> >Subject: Seattle area used parts
>> >
>> >
>> >> Where do other Seattle-ites go for used Audi parts? I have a short
>> >shopping
>> >> list for both my q's, but other than Campbell-Nelson, who don't
>> >have
>> >> a competitive price, where do folks go? My usual was Bry's which
>> >> is
>> long
>> >> gone now..
>> >>
>> >> Steve
>> >> '86 5ktqw
>> >> '86 4kcsq
>> >> kent, wa

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