Taka's "counterpoint" about the Ultranator

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Feb 27 14:12:49 EST 2002

At 9:13 AM -0500 2/27/02, TM wrote:
>Thank you for correcting my terminology- several others knew what
>I meant by commutator, but I hope I wasn't muddying everything up
>by calling it the wrong thing if it's called a collector ring.
>As for the wear comment, Bosch rebuilds replace the ring entirely with
>a new one- I have heard from several people (incl. my mechanic) that
>other rebuilders may merely machine the ring smooth.
>Why would they do this if there is no advantage?

Probably the only advantage is the labor involved.  I've redone
contacts on small motors, for example, that were not badly
damaged...its really easy and I can get a mirror-like finish that is
incredibly smooth and easy on the brushes, but it takes at least 15
minutes, probably...and that's using something to spin the whole
rotor(mototool, actually!)  Machining(or similar) is fine, just as
long as you machine it perfectly smooth(or finish it off to
perfection), or you WILL chew thorough brushes in no time.  I suspect
many machined rotors simply aren't smooth enough after machining.  I
could very well be wrong.

While we're on the subject of brushes, who can tell me why brushless
motors were invented?  Super special bonus prize(er, everyone's
wonder and amazement) to the winner(yes, I know why :-)

PS: shameless, off topic, check-this-out item on something important
everyone should be aware of:
One little note: record sales were great in the years when napster
running full tilt.  Record sales are down 10% after Napster basically
shut down and with the economy in the toilet.  I know retailers who
would KILL for -JUST- a 10% decrease in sales...
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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