Looking to sell some 93 S4 parts

Keith Maddock keith at maddock.com
Wed Feb 27 15:42:54 EST 2002

As I'm trying to clean up my inventory of various car parts in my apartment
and trying to cover upcoming OneLap expenses, I would like to sell some of
my used parts from my 1993 S4.    However, I'm not sure what kind of a
market exists for these kinds of parts.

If anyone could offer any input as to the marketability of the following
parts, I'd be very grateful!  (Like what other Audi transplanters could use
them, how much you got for the part if you've sold one in the past, how much
you'd be willing to pay if you need one...)  I'm sure some might not be
worth more than $5, but $5 is better than throwing them away!!

All stock parts removed (for upgrades) from 1993 S4 @ ~110k miles with no
known problems:
KKK K24 S4 Turbo
S4 Exhaust Manifold
Rubber Intercooler to Intake Hose
Yellow Font Corner Lamps
Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF)
Fuel Injectors
Power Stage Output (PSO)
G60 front calipers
Front Brake Rotors
Bose Amplifier Unit (Rear)
Turbo bypass valve

Please reply directly to keith at maddock.com

Thanks in advance,
Ann Arbor, MI
93 S4 w/ upgrades, gettin ready for OneLap 2002
01 S2000 stock, gettin ready for sale :( (moving to Germany in June)
74 260z , gettin ready for storage...

91 200q20v recycled, RIP!

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