surprise: o-ring and dirt inside of braks piston.

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at
Wed Feb 27 23:01:05 EST 2002

Having,  too much probably,  free time I removed circlip from rear
caliper piston and found another o-ring there and a cavity between it
and the top of the piston filled with dirt.  Then I found a small hole
on the side of piston, in the groove for rubber boot, which goes into
the cavity.  Plus, it is a bearing under circlip.  Can some explain the
purpose of this complex structure. Why cavity (termal insulation?), why
bearing?  Anybody know what kind of o-ring is that? It does not look
like regular o-ring.  I am afraid to stratch it if I pull it off.


Konstantin Bogach.

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