proportional valve: how important to have working one?

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Feb 28 16:56:20 EST 2002

Yes and No.  Both my Audis were running on their front
brakes only when I got them.  That's probably why the
front rotors were thin like paper.  Both valves worked
fine and still do after some serious attention,
including removing one.  They needed a lot of lube and
movement to free them up, and I bled lots of fluid
through them with the downstream line removed.  One
wouldn't even pass fluid at first.  No wonder the rear
rotors were covered in rust and the rear calipers
seized.  Duh!  3 or 4 too many "just stuff some pads
in there" brake jobs.  Ever wonder how they do those
brake jobs so cheap?  You can do a side in 5 to 10
minutes if you don't open the bleed valve or touch the
rotor.  Think you're getting a "deal"?  These
questions are of course rhetorical in nature.

Jim Accordino

--- Konstantin Bogach
<konstantin.bogach at> wrote:
> Did anybody feel a difference in praking after
> replacing bad proportional
> valve?
> Konstantin Bogach.
> Kneale Brownson wrote:
> > Proportioning valve is supposed to adjust rear
> braking for load, I
> > believe.  Don't know what that adjustment would
> be, though.  If your rotors
> > are remaining rust-free, your rear brakes are
> working, probably at least
> > for minimum loading of the car.
> >
> > At 05:31 PM 02/26/2002 -0500, Konstantin Bogach
> wrote:
> >
> > >Hi listers.
> > >
> > >Proportional valves on both my cars do not work.
> They are frozen.  How
> > >significantly it affects braking?  Can it freeze
> in such position that
> > >reduce overall braking power?
> > >
> > >Thank you.
> > >
> > >Konstantin Bogach
> > >200tq '89
> > >200tqa '89

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