"Bosch rebuild"

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 18:29:12 EST 2002

I'm not doubting you, as you've obviously seen many
more than me, but I thought that was the idea with
their "factory rebuilds".  They only reuse the case,
armature, field coil, etc. and all of these are
stripped, dipped and otherwise treated as a new one
would be.  The cost savings come from not having to
build a NEW case, armature, etc.  They replace
EVERYTHING else.  That's at least with the few I've

Jim Accordino

--- cobram at juno.com wrote:
>  james accordino <ssgacc at yahoo.com> writes:
> > If that's the case, I don't think Bob's gonna be
> too
> > happy.  The few Bosch factory rebuilds I've
> seen(never
> > bought one myself; too pricy) had MANY new parts.
> All
> If the units are less than pristine, they're
> "backyard" rebuilts being
> passed off as original Bosch rebuilts.
> All the Bosch "rebuilts" I've seen over the last 8
> years or so were Brand
> New units in the rebuilt box.  Not that expensive,
> about $150 for the
> 200T, $200 for the V8Q, $125 for the 90amp or a
> whopping $60 for the
> 65amp '84 5KS powerhouse.  Local distributor prices.
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> less!
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