282 BHP 3B ECUs from Europe

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Jan 1 23:04:30 EST 2002

>Hi Mihnea and all
>I´ve seen a lots of discussion about MPG under
>this subject, but not too much about that mod
>itself. So -please, may I ask/comment something?

With great pleasure!

>I´m very interested in that. Been talking with local
>chip-burners and -dealers. But I would like to
>investigate all possibilities before making any deals.
> > These ECUs make 282 HP with everything stock and can make a little over 310
> > HP with the help of a stiffer wastegate spring (about 1.4 Bar boost)  and a
> > twin-cone K&N airfilter...
>KN does not make that and there is no need for
>a stiffer W/G spring, as F/V acts just as ECU asks.
>IMO 3B needs something else to make +280 Hp.
>K-24 turbine side and E/M are very restrictive, there
>will be lots of backpressure. 3B I/C is very small too...

Actually it needs only this ECU to make 282 HP with everything
stock...according to my friend it's been dyno tested on a stock S2 (3B) ant
it produced 282 HP with everything stock.

>What kind of modifications will there be, does the
>guy need whole ECU for changes? How about that
>oe. 200KPa pressure sensor, fooled -or a new one?

Dunno how the tuner achieves that but I've read on a German forum that
there's a way to convert a 200 KPa pressure sensor to 250 KPA without using
the old voltage divider or zener diode trick....Dunno how though....

>As a stock 3B´s boost is ~  0,85 at 3,5k and 0.45 at 7k,
>what kind of boost curve will there be?
Actually a stock 3B's boost MUST be 0,83 BAR at 60 km/h in 4th gear at
WOT....dunno the RPM as I don't have a 3B to have fun myself...(what a
pitty, how I wish I could have such an engine in my car!!!)
I'll ask him what kind of boost curve he gets with the stock WG spring and
the 282 HP ECU

>impulse type E/M, also bigger I/C with modified tubing.
>My charging plans are ~ 1,5 at 3,5k and 1,1 at 7k (over
>ATM :)

We'll try it this week with a K26 turbo instead of the K24 (a french friend
of mine who had nothing to do with his money but to put a K26 in his S2
will buy an ECU this week) and I'll tell you the results...
Nice plans Jukka!!!

>The problem can be the mid range. Stock or even many
>chipped ECUs do not work well with better flowing hot
>side. ECU keeps the injection too lean and ignition too
>late for a good result WOT at mid area.( Audifans: How is
>it with American chips TAP etc , with updated "hardware"? )
>Also in my experience 3B´s one hole injectors are good
>until 300-320 Hp: ( 0280 150 737 at 3,0Bar ~300ccpm )
>so I´ll have ADU´s bigger four hole injectors, or similar.
>( 0280 150 984 at 3,8Bar ~ 444ccpm ) I do not see any
>problems here with that ECU, but got to ask.

yeah, for that kind of HP, there seems to be no problem at all with the
stock injectors...
The setup he has is the following one:
-Stock intercooler, turbo and bypass valve, stock injectors and MAF.
-Twin cone K&N filter
-Full stainless steel exhaust system with the cats removed (his car is
originally a 90q20v 2.0liters without any cat so he didn't need them anymore)
-Stiffer WG spring and adjustable WG cap
and this ECU...

Before this ECU, he had an ABT 260 HP ECU (the 282 HP one is the ABT unit
modified for even better performance) and with the ABT ECU and all the
other stuff he has on his car, he dynoed his car at 299 HP. It's the tuner
that said it produced 282HP, if it would have been 275, I'd have said 275....

>The shipping could be easy, as I live in EU too ( Finland ).
>How many Euros ( the first time I use this new currency :)
>does he charge for the job?

He wants 600 Euros for the ECU exchanged with your old one...

> > This is absolutely no MOTODYNE business, anyone interested in such a deal
> > can contact me privately to work out an arrangement.
>All other possible details could be wellcomed.
>I would like to see all that info here in the list, but if Your
>friend does not agree, would You please mail me jiipm at sci.fi

First I didn't want to make it all public but as my friend couldn't have
anything against it (he'll never know what I said here, except if I tell
him and that's what I'll do tomorrow anyway) I've decided to post it on the
list as well...

If you have more questions I'll try to answer them and for the ones
unanswered I'll ask my friend to tell me exactly the other specs...



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