pentosin drip

Wallace White wallace at
Thu Jan 3 07:18:42 EST 2002

Pasquale -

I rebuilt my old pump but never managed to stop the leaks entirely. Then
at the pick-n-pull junkyard one day, I found a rebuilt unit just three
years old for $20.

There are lots of rebuilt pumps out there, now in junkyards, and the ZF
rebuilds get a nice new nameplate with the year stamped on them. And of
course you can see if there's evidence of drips or the wrong fluid in

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 180k

pasquale pilato wrote:
> happy new year group,
> I figured out that my 1990 100q is leaking pentosin
> out of the middle of the pump.  What I was wondering
> about were my options.  Can the pump be rebuilt, or is
> it better to get a new (used but not leaking) pump?
> And my next question is does anyone have a pump out
> there?  Is it a good idea to replace the hoses while
> you got the thing apart and are in the area?  I'm
> destroying my driveway with oil leaks and would like
> to do this as soon as possible.  Thanks.
> ptp
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