'87 80 1.8 Heater problem

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Thu Jan 3 18:37:45 EST 2002

At 20:47 2-1-02 -0500, Brett Dikeman wrote:

 >"y'all?" NL means North Louisiana now, Tom? :-)

Thought I'd better brush up on my local dialect before emigrating. :-)

>Sounds like it to me.  Audi's got this big long procedure for checking the
>t-stat in a pot of water with a dial thermometer, must open by blah blah
>degrees and blah blah blah blah...
>....when it's just quicker to put in a new one :-)

That's what I thought. It's done this party trick a coupla times now and
waiting for a car to overheat is getting old very rapidly, so a new T'stat
is going in soon, along with new coolant (none too soon, judging by the
cr at p that's in there now).

>A lot of thermostats are coming now with a small hole for letting coolant
>circulate just a tad for a smooth warmup, that sort of thing. If your
>replacement is lacking, you might want to drill a small hole, pencil-tip
>sized roughly.  From what I've read, the hole goes up high, to let any air
>that might come up to the t-stat get by.  One article I saw said the hole
>is right near the outer edge of the t-stat.

Thanks, sounds like a good idea.

Regards, Tom

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