Mr. Chudzinski starts the physical threats

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Fri Jan 4 12:21:01 EST 2002


Lets take a collection together to fly him out here and then see how much
trash he talks.

Its quite obvious when someone resorts to threats, they are mad because they
arent getting the results they want from you.  In his case, your lack of
acknowledgement of his opinions either of repairs or of you as a person.

Personally, I can't stand people that have to resort to threats.  You dont
see Phil and Scott J. threatning each other with beatings, yet they
obviously are oil and water.  Basically, Mr. C needs to go back to
kindergarden to learn how to play with other kids nicely.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett at]

I slapped together all the emails he's sent me, some are quite
amusing.  The second to last is rather interesting; he makes a pretty
clear physical threat.

As the top says, there's some nasty language in there not appropriate
for small children.

If you'd like to add to The Best of Tom C, send it along...



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