hail dent removing

David Miller millerds at muohio.edu
Fri Jan 4 15:15:28 EST 2002

Here's an article that almost shows you how to do it yourself.  Only
problems are the tools that are needed and I'm sure you can scrape those


David Miller

on 1/4/02 2:13 PM, Roa, Greg at Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM wrote:

> Hey all,
> I was wondering if anyone had found a good way or found a tool to pop
> out hail dents on a car.  I know of the paintless dent removal places,
> and that sounds like the way to go, but being the hopeless
> do-it-yourselfer that I am, I want to find a way to do it on my own.
> Has anyone seen a system like this that is available for the common
> idiot such as myself?
> I'm going to get the car prepped for a repaint, and I'd rather not bondo
> little dents like those.
> Thanks!
> Greg Roa
> Cincinnati, OH
> 86' 4kcsq
> 93' 90 CS
> 83' 944
> And a new fiancé with a Toyota...  ; (
> P.S. The shirts are great. And, having one long sleeve, and one short, I
> can now be a certifiable audifool year round...   ; )

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