Turbo 20v

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 4 18:23:28 EST 2002

Jukka Majanen wrote:
>Adam wrote:
> > As of a few days I put my car up for sale.  I'm planing on getting an Audi.


>Ok, just my opinions ( after 130-160 kmiles ):
>-if no crash fixes, it is unbelieveble rustproof, ecxept the rear hatch

<snipped lots of problem areas>

>So I did not mean to scare hell out of You, just to tell what
>I've found at my Audi-hobbying.

Jeeze, you scared the hell out of me and I own one.
I look at that list of problem areas and wonder why.
Then I take my Audi 200 TQ out for a ride and I know why.

Peace and Love,
Kent McLean
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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