about harm of oil on thread (especially aluminum)

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 6 16:48:04 EST 2002

I don't know where you are, but in the U.S. most chain
auto stores sell Helicoils in common metric thread
sizes.  Ask me how I know.

Jim Accordino

--- Konstantine Bogach <kbogach at home.com> wrote:
> Second time I screwed the thread trying to torque a
> bolt to spec. I
> don't remember what was the first time but this time
> it was 6mm bolt
> holding turbo oli supply line on oil filter housing
> (aluminum).
> Actually, I stripped the female thread in aluminum,
> of course.  I did
> not reach the torque spec.  Later I found oil in the
> thread in
> abundance.  Apparently,  deformation in material
> goes easier with
> lubricant and the thread is stripped before reaching
> spec torque.  Does
> anybody had such experience?
> Is it well known to everyone except me?
> I need an advice how to fix this situation.  I don't
> recall seeing
> helicoil for 6mm thread. Does it exist? Stepped stud
> would be perfect
> probably, but where can I get it fast is US?
> Thank you in advance.
> Konstantin Bogach.

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