Help needed shipping large item

Michael L. Riebs michael at
Mon Jan 7 19:20:05 EST 2002

Type in a search for freight forwarders. I use DFDS Dan Transport, Wilson
Logistics and Lehmann Junior, but that is for shipping large/heavy parts (oh
say 2 metric tons of granite) from Germany to Michigan.

There should be an abundance of LTL truckers who would be willing to do the
transportation, then you're left with the crating...

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q (#7)
'98 A6Q Avant (#6)
Only 6 & 7 remain.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob" <mx at>
To: "quattro" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject: Help needed shipping large item

> Does anyone have any tips on finding a company that will pick up a
> large/heavy part (oh say a tranny/engine), will box it up, and ship it
> across the country for a reasonable cost? (FL to WA)
> Bob

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