Wheel out of balance? nope ... ('85 4ksq)

Michael L. Riebs michael at 1stchoicegranite.com
Tue Jan 8 18:47:51 EST 2002

Could indicate a damaged tire, or rim. When you had it balanced, the teck
*should* have been prof enough to notice this, but not all do. Take it back,
and complain to the balance place, and while it's on the machine, look at
the outside edge of both sides of the wheel and tire, and you'll probably
see that it has a slight shimmy.

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q (#7)
'98 A6Q Avant (#6)
Only 6 & 7 remain.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob H." <rjh_tsi at yahoo.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: Wheel out of balance? nope ... ('85 4ksq)

> I recently rotated the tires on the beater, and about a week later started
> noticing a shimmy in the steering wheel at speed.  I figured that one of
> the wheels that had been on back was out of balance, and now that it's on
> front, it's just become more noticeable.
> Well, I finally got it in to have the wheels balanced, and am told that
> none of the 4 wheels is out of balance.  Hmmm ...
> It has the symptom of an out-of-balance wheel, however it tends to occur
> at 45+mph, not just in a very specific range of speeds as I've encountered
> in the past with balancing problems.  Also, it becomes much more
> pronounced when taking right-hand curves on the highway, or if the road
> has a particularly high crown and the car is leaning left.  If I had to
> guess, I'd say it's coming from the front left wheel.
> Does this point to something other than wheel balance?  I should point out
> that the suspension on the beater is *completely* shot (an upcoming
> project to be sure), if that raises flags in anyone's mind. :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> -Bob Hodgeman
>  '85 4ksq
> =====
> --
> Bob Hodgeman
> 97 Talon TSi AWD
> WOR SoloII #75 SM
> http://www.hodgeman.org
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