FW: old truck photo

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Jan 9 10:16:20 EST 2002

Some people have no appreciation for classic vehicles.  One of my least
troublesome vehicles ever was a 1956 Fargo (Dodge) work truck with a
hydraulic tilting deck -it was a 3ton or 5ton (can't remember).  Not a
comfortable ride, but certainly stuck to the basics - fuel, air, spark.  If
you had those 3, the truck would run.

I echo Tom's comment about having something to haul projects
(non-operational Audi?) around with....I would love to have that truck back
right now.

BTW - it was ugly..no, I mean really UGLY.  You don't seem to understand
just how ugly this truck was.



> ----------
> From: 	THOMAS TAUSKEY[SMTP:ttauskey at worldnet.att.net]
> Sent: 	January 8, 2002 9:37 PM
> To: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	old truck photo
> Someone (Jan?) posted a link to a photo of an old truck a while
> back..... looks like '57-60 vintage Ford 250 cab to me... with most of
> the miles it'll ever do are well behind it.   Restoration parts are
> prolly available thru www.lmctruck.com if you're really interested.
> Kinda makes me wish I had something similar (but maybe not so well used
> and abused) to haul projects around on though...
> Tom Tauskey

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