Support Group Please

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Jan 9 13:22:27 EST 2002

The Wet Leather Roster would be nicer if it were set up by locality.  All
the Seattle folks in a list, all the Long Beach, etc.

At 12:48 AM 01/09/2002 -0800, Bernard Littau wrote:

>I like both the ideas of an "urgent" list for travellers, etc., and of a web
>form for posting to the urgent list if there be need.
>The urgent list seems like a fairly simple thing to create.  My feeling is
>we should try it and see where it goes in an unmoderated form.
>The web interface is an innovative idea -- would be very nice to have, but
>is some work on some audifans admin's part.  A less desireable but workable
>alternative might be to use something like:
>I am not sure if you can post a message from a service like mail2web.  I see
>that with the increased problems with email spammers that posting via a
>public interface is more and more restricted.  The web form is likely to be
>the best way to do this service.
>I also like the idea of something like the BMW Motorcycle Anonymous
>Directory for the Audi fans.  The anonymous part is what makes it ok to post
>or publish without impacting everyone's privacy.  The phone number, general
>vicinity (city) and what kind of services are willing to be supplied are
>listed -- no names or addresses.
>I haven't been following our local PNW motorcycle scum :-) group lately, but
>it has a roster of sorts, and I've been listed for years.  I have not been
>able to attribute any spam, email or phone, to my being listed.  Something
>like this might work for audifans:
>Bernard Littau
>Woodinville, WA
>'88 5ktq
> > I am thinking that the bandwidth should be low enough to make moderation
> > unnecessary.  I think it would be great to set up the list and let people
> > know about the purpose and that posts are discouraged unless they have an
> > urgent problem.  The other thing I was thinking would be great would be if
> > there was a web interface that allowed posts to the list via the audifans
> > site ... that way if someone only had internet access they could still
> > register their need and provide a phone number or the like to allow those
> > who get the message to be able to help.  Perhaps this interface would be a
> > simple form based setup where the poster would enter their name, location,
> > problem and contact information ... which would then get sent out to the
> > group ...
> >
> > > > Actually I just had a thought ...
> > > > perhaps Dan can set up an "emergency" list on the audifans server ...
> > >
> > > Well, not sure I would call it drivel :), but I have thought about
> > > setting up a semi-moderated list for matters requiring urgent or
> > > semi-urgent resolution.  The idea is to keep it very low traffic, so
> > > everyone can be subscribed to it, and then use it only for important
> > > matters.  I could make it moderated, but that would add to the delay of
> > > getting the message out.

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