Fuch center caps and (black) lug bolts?

Dave Aukerman aukdav at ccsdana.net
Wed Jan 9 15:15:55 EST 2002

Got my center caps from Carlsen.  Your dealer should be just as easy.
Didn't bother with the lug covers, just another thing to fuss with when you
have a flat in the middle of the night.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at neta.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: Fuch center caps and (black) lug bolts?


Where can I find information on, and/or pictures of, and sources for, the
center caps that go in the middle of Fuchs, as well as the
better-looking-than-mine lug bolts that people use with them?

For the caps, I think I've seen the black plastic caps with a hex head that
stick out, these are like the ones for the center of the Ronal R8 type when
used in open lug configuration.  I've also seen the flat silver syle like
Britt just posted for sale, here:

I prefer these silver flat ones.  Do you think I'd be able to order just
them from the dealer?  Come to think of it, are Fuchs themselves still
available new?  Not that it would be affordable.

I don't think my Fuchs are coming in with caps or new lug bolts.  I can
reuse my stock lug bolts, but it looks like others are using some different,
better looking ones.  I could be wrong, and maybe they are normal ones in
good condition.



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