Fuch center caps and (black) lug bolts?

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Wed Jan 9 19:20:41 EST 2002

They look pretty!

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 15:15:55 -0500 "Dave Aukerman" <aukdav at ccsdana.net>
>Got my center caps from Carlsen.  Your dealer should be just as easy.
>Didn't bother with the lug covers, just another thing to fuss with
>when you
>have a flat in the middle of the night.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at neta.com>
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:27 PM
>Subject: Fuch center caps and (black) lug bolts?
>Where can I find information on, and/or pictures of, and sources for,
>center caps that go in the middle of Fuchs, as well as the
>better-looking-than-mine lug bolts that people use with them?
>For the caps, I think I've seen the black plastic caps with a hex head
>stick out, these are like the ones for the center of the Ronal R8 type
>used in open lug configuration.  I've also seen the flat silver syle
>Britt just posted for sale, here:
>I prefer these silver flat ones.  Do you think I'd be able to order
>them from the dealer?  Come to think of it, are Fuchs themselves
>available new?  Not that it would be affordable.
>I don't think my Fuchs are coming in with caps or new lug bolts.  I
>reuse my stock lug bolts, but it looks like others are using some
>better looking ones.  I could be wrong, and maybe they are normal ones
>good condition.

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