Final thoughts on the Lifter thread

Paul Heneghan paul.heneghan at
Thu Jan 10 13:49:15 EST 2002

Hello chaps,

As I started this thread, perhaps you will allow me to finish it!

First of all, thanks to all who contributed - even though there were
differences of opinion, I am much the wiser as a result.  Second-hand BTDTs
are an invaluable addition to the clinical practices recommended in Bentley
or the sketchy info in Haynes.

I thought about administering virtual e-slaps on the wrists for the mini
flaming that started up, but I've got to admit, I rather enjoyed it!  I get
a perverse pleasure out of hearing mature adults have violent disagreements
to the point of personal abuse over the differences between the following
two statements:-

"you can't replace cam followers on a 10v without removing the cam gear
(because it prevents you replacing the $5 seal which probably should be
replaced as a maintenance item and may well get chewed up if you don't
remove the cam gear)"

"you can replace cam followers on a 10v without removing the cam gear (but
only if you don't want to replace the $5 seal which probably should be
replaced as a maintenance item and may well get chewed up if you don't
remove the cam gear)"

Anyway, here's a picture of Huw Powell's magic 14mm Allen Key Cam Locking
(I like the bit of snapped off bonnet release cable guide in the foreground
- team doorhandle again?)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	QSHIPQ at [SMTP:QSHIPQ at]
> Javad:
> Don't mean to offend, I'm the first for finding better in standard
> procedures, btdt for 25years ...

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