'88 5000CS Quattro Electrical Gremlin - Requesting Diagnostic Help

Pat tm2 at zipcon.net
Thu Jan 10 10:41:28 EST 2002


My brother had the same problem with his 88 5000S wagon.
The battery would always drain within a night.  I started removing
fuses until reading on the amp meter I had hooked up to the battery dropped
way down. It was the  radio fuse and etc. (4).  There was some
one on the list that mentioned that sometimes the chime relay goes bad.
I pulled out the relay and no more battery going dead. Did not effect
anything except the warning chime.  You might want to try this relay.  It
is on the Auxiliary fuse panel, second from left middle row( blue).

Hope this helps

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

robert_a_dupree at bankone.com wrote:

> I'm trying to close the deal on this '88 5kTQ that a friend at work wants
> to buy, there is however a problem...  The battery is being drained down.
> I ran a charging system check, and it passed.  I had the battery load
> tested and it failed.  Woohoo!  Replaced the battery and problem solved
> right???  WRONG!
> So I've done the "yank fuses while watching the test light" drill and found
> the following:
> Fuse 4 - (Interior Lights, Radio...) is the main culprit.  Put it in and
> there's draw.
> But it gets worse...
> Once the draw is started by inserting Fues#4, it will not stop until you've
> pulled Fuses #2 and #3.
> Without #4 in place, there are no issues.
> Can anyone thing of a common place to look where all those circuits
> interact???  I just doesn't make sense except for maybe the fuse block...
> Rob Dupree
>      '84 UrQ
>      '97 4Runner
>      '77 Dodge Colt ProRally Grp 2
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