FW: '88 5000CS Quattro Electrical Gremlin - Requesting Diagnostic Help

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Jan 10 18:43:17 EST 2002

uhhh..you win some and you lose some.  In 2000 I bought a new NAPA battery
for the Audi and a new Motomaster (Canadian Tire) battery for the Landrover
(project truck).  The NAPA calved, the Motomaster is now in the Audi and
working fine.



> ----------
> From: 	Burl Vibert[SMTP:blur at sympatico.ca]
> Sent: 	January 10, 2002 3:19 PM
> To: 	Pat
> Cc: 	robert_a_dupree at bankone.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Re: '88 5000CS Quattro Electrical Gremlin - Requesting
> Diagnostic Help
> Pat wrote:
> >
> > Robert
> >
> > My brother had the same problem with his 88 5000S wagon.
> > The battery would always drain within a night.  I started removing
> > fuses until reading on the amp meter I had hooked up to the battery
> dropped
> > way down. It was the  radio fuse and etc. (4).  There was some
> > one on the list that mentioned that sometimes the chime relay goes bad.
> > I pulled out the relay and no more battery going dead. Did not effect
> > anything except the warning chime.  You might want to try this relay.
> It
> > is on the Auxiliary fuse panel, second from left middle row( blue).
> >
> >
> I'm trying to trace a similar problem.  It's probably just a bad
> battery though as I checked the current draw and it appears to draw
> about 0.8A for about 20 seconds or so after shutting off and then
> drops to about 20mA after that so that sounds pretty normal.  Stupid
> Crappy Tire battery is only a year old.
> Burl Vibert
> 1987 5kcstq
> 1986 Ford F-250 (just dumped 1220kg of lathe and plaster out of it,
> cool)
> Kingston, Ontario

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