camber on lowered 4kq

Brett Dikeman brett at
Fri Jan 11 11:42:10 EST 2002

At 9:35 AM -0800 1/10/02, Aaron Ryba wrote:

>If the car is dropped 1.5" as in the H&R's is there a
>adjustable camber plate kit available for the 4kq?
>Is it necessary?
>I noticed 2B includes one for the 5k models in its
>coil over program but non for the 4k.

...which is amusing, since it isn't needed on the
type44(5000/100/200) unless you -really- lower the car.  I lowered my
200q20v with h&rs/bilsteins and camber basically didn't change much
at all, which mirrored the experience of at least one mechanic I
spoke to, when I asked if such a plate was needed to maintain proper

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin	(PGP Public Key)

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