
Bernard Littau bernardl at
Fri Jan 11 15:09:31 EST 2002

> Hello all!
> I too believed IME to be "in my experience" rather than "in my
> I guess I have fixed my car several times based on someone elses
> "estimation" of what was wrong - yikes!
> In order to clarify things I suggest the following:
> IME - in my estimation
> IBME - its been my experience

No no, I was just plain wrong.  I did these off the top of my head, and IME
became In My Estimation.

IME is In My Experience.

Here is a good authoritative list:

I think this is an example of what Javad was talking about, posting like you
know something, and having people believe you.  Me bad!  Sorry 'bout that.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

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