Blinker Solution with Eurolights...

Orin Eman orin at
Fri Jan 11 22:48:53 EST 2002

BIG old exception in WA law, which is what 'Q' posted...
Basically, it would be silly to ticket all the Canadians crossing the
border for illegal lights!


RCW 46.37.320
Authority of state patrol regarding lighting devices or other safety equipment.

(1) The chief of the state patrol is hereby authorized to adopt and enforce rules establishing standards and specifications governing the performance of
lighting devices and their installation, adjustment, and aiming, when in use on motor vehicles, and other safety equipment, components, or assemblies of a
type for which regulation is required in this chapter or in rules adopted by the state patrol. Such rules shall correlate with and, so far as practicable,
conform to federal motor vehicle safety standards adopted pursuant to the national traffic and motor vehicle safety act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1381 et
seq.) covering the same aspect of performance, or in the absence of such federal standards, to the then current standards and specifications of the society
of automotive engineers applicable to such equipment: PROVIDED, That the sale, installation, and use of any headlamp meeting the standards of either
the society of automotive engineers or the United Nations agreement concerning motor vehicle equipment and parts done at Geneva on March 20, 1958, or
as amended and adopted by the Canadian standards association (CSA standard D106.2), as amended, shall be lawful in this state.

> Well, if you want to get technical, Eurolights are not DOT approved either.
> Javad
> In a message dated 1/11/2002 7:55:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> Q at writes:
> << Info from the State of Washington:
>  RCW 46.37.200
>  Stop lamps and electric turn signals.
>       (1) <. . .snip . . .>
>       (2) . . . Turn signal lamps shall be visible from a distance of not
>  less than five hundred feet to the front and rear in normal sunlight. .
>  .
>   >>

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