FAW post

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Jan 13 06:49:32 EST 2002

Mainly little list response (I'd guess) because, like me,  interested folks
followed his suggestion we reply to him off-list.

At 09:51 PM 01/12/2002 -0700, Zsolt wrote:

>Did anyone read the post regarding the Chinese Audis? How come there are
>no responses about it? I find it really interesting.
>I found their website. http://www.faw.com.cn
>Click on the main animated picture, and that will take you to the type
>44 site.
>The submenues are
>1, 360 degree views
>2, videos of the different models
>3, pictures
>4, and 5, I'm not sure it's written in Chinese, but looks like one is
>specs, and the other is email.
>I wonder about the quality and how much a brand new FAW/Audi costs. They
>look very nice.

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