FAw contact made!!!

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Sun Jan 13 12:22:35 EST 2002


How about quality of the parts?  Are body parts double galvanized?  Up to
the same standard as the OEM parts?  Etc?

I did not respond earlier since my car is an urS6 and I was under the
impression that parts for this car were not available.  Now it looks like
you may have access to something usable for me.  Certain A6 parts will work
quite nicely in my S6.  How about S6 specific parts?  At the moment I have
no obvious immediate need but the prospect of lower cost high quality parts
certainly is appealing.

How about such items as RS2 manifold, RS2 turbos, cams, and upgrade parts
such as these?  Are they available also?  If so, I am definitely interested
if the pricing is significantly better than the already available items.

At 06:07 AM 1/12/02, paul fernandes wrote:

>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>To all Audi fans around the globe,
>Some of you have heard of the Words FAW are probably familiar with what it
>means and what it about for those that are not on the Audi fans list I
>would will explain shortly, FAW is a Automotive manufacturer in China that
>"today" still build type 44 cars 100/200 (they also built some V8's a
>while back) for sale in the Asian market mainly China...
>The last year or so I have been gathering information on these cars and
>why there is almost none or very little information on these cars around,
>I have discovered basically That FAW (also Hongqi) is a also Controlled by
>non-other than AUDI themselves..
>The point of this all is this I have now established a solid contact with
>these people concerning parts for our cars (mostly the  type44 models
>100/200/V8 and it seems they are willing sell parts for these things....as
>some of you know replacement parts from the dealer alone are priced
>ridiculous.. and some parts places around the globe have taken an
>advantage of this to give what they call a "substantial discount"
>sometimes as high as 15% to 30% which some of us thought WOW that's
>cheap....well do I have some news for you all..
>I the last months and the various discussions with the FAW/ Hongqi
>suppliers in China they have told me that they currently supply some of
>these parts supply chains as well as even Audi parts alone in Europe!!! In
>some cases I have noted as much as 300% profit on parts...
>Ok, where do I want to go with this, with this message I would like to
>know from any one of you out there is interested in parts for your cars at
>ridiculous prices. (please send your comments not to the list but to me
>off-the discussion)
>What I am planning is the following: I want to start bringing parts over
>from China for these cars but for me to do this and make a living I also
>need to know how many of you are interested, unfortunally these suppliers
>are not interested in shipping 10 or even 20 parts at a time so I have to
>find means of finding interest and establishing numbers to go forth with
>this idea.
>Also In my discussions I also found the FAW/Hongi upgraded their cars with
>automotive systems for today, for example the HVAC case is the same as in
>our cars but is set up for r134a refrig systems , so r/d's accumulators,
>compressors are all switched over for this use. They Also have for example
>a HID projector headlight system for the type 44 models (audi100) similar
>to the A6 system, they also have options on the bodies like the 200 20v
>Fenders front and read
>available which makes a nice upgrade for any 100 200 with the wheel
>flare..the list goes on and on and on...sport seats, windows with
>Now it does not stop here supposedly in conversations with the various
>suppliers they inform me that they can also reproduce most if not all the
>parts off these cars including the V8's,  I asked for example about the
>DTM spoiler which allot of us are after and even if this is possible, they
>have told me that this possible but numbers matter after all tooling up
>this for only 20 or so is not realistic.
>I ask any one that is interested once again to contact me if you have
>interest in any or have specific items you are interested in to contact me
>off the list to my e-mail..I will be most likely going to Shanghai by the
>end of next month what ever I information I gather from you will be raised
>with these people..
>  Just incase some one out there might ask what kind of prices are we
> looking at...OK OK
>I will give one remember however these are prices delivered to a central
>location for distribution (wholesale) shipping to the final customer and
>taxes if applicable must be added:
>-the rear light bar v8 (red) complete ( 3 piece) 2 outer corners and the
>trunk piece .............34 dollars or about 34 euro..
>Paul Fernandes
>I apologize to any of you and the list for the inconvenience of this e-mail
>[ paul fernandes.vcf of type text/x-vcard deleted ]
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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