Clicking noise behind glovebox
cobram at
cobram at
Sun Jan 13 14:51:36 EST 2002
You don't necessarily have to change the entire programmer, it could be a
mal adjusted or broken actuator cable. The motor on the programmer
pulls/pushes on a cable that goes through the firewall to the top of the
heater box. On two occasions I've found that the end of this cable had
broken (the cable itself was still intact, what split was a chrome sleeve
at the end of the cable, which keeps it from kinking.) The motor can
also be replaced separately, some lister found a GM over the counter
replacement for just the geared motor, I did not save the post but it
should be in the archives somewhere.
Cobram at Juno.Com
"Efraim Gavrilovich" <egav at> writes:
> It is certainly related. The clicking comes from the AC Programmer
> which is
> located right behind your glove compartment. It's time to replace
> it.
> Luckily, it is easily accessible once you remove the glove
> compartment door.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Lembo" <brian at>
> > I all, i have an 87 5000s Quat and i am hearing clicking behind
> the glove
> > box. I also can only get the heater controls to vent thru the
> window
> > defroster. Is this related? Any help would be appreciated.
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