HELP NEEDED: 4kq pass side trans mount frozen trans

Jpinkowish at Jpinkowish at
Mon Jan 14 14:48:20 EST 2002

Hi folks,
I need suggestions.

Marc Swanson claimed in a list post some time ago that the 4kq pass side
trans mount is the "mount from hell."

I agree.  Mine is stuck, and a goolgle search of the site yielded no clues.

--mount is free of the subframe(both small bolts removed)
--bolt securing trans "ear" to mount is frozen to the "ear."
--trans "ear" is frozen to the top metal portion of the mount.

What I've done:
--flooded the frozen joints with Liquid Wrench
--tangentially whacked the metal portion of the mount using sledge and BMF
pointed steel rod(trans is supported from below w/jack and wooden block).

Next approach:
--remove battery and try to slink a long steel rod down to trans mount and
try the pound from above approach.
--Heat of some sort(preferrably not open flame)?

Look forward to your posts.

Jan Pinkowish

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