[V8] recall et.al.

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Tue Jan 15 10:13:27 EST 2002

While I am convinced that the bushing failure on the 5 cylinder turbo cars'
CC linkage poses a similar risk of jamming the throttle, the linkage on the
V8 is oriented differently, and AFAIK the only recall that was issued was
for the V8 ...

I don't think that recall is that big a deal anyway ... all that was done
was to replace a $0.99 bushing ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> You missed your chance to have them done at the same time like I did.
> Either your dealer is a jerk for not letting you know it
> needed it, or it
> was already done.  Or, you don't own a V8 and it didn't apply
> to the 200 maybe?
> -----Original Message-----
> There's a cruise control recall? (Did the airbag one).

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