NOT RE: [V8] RE: Bose recall

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at
Tue Jan 15 13:33:37 EST 2002

... sorry to hear about your recent lesson Andrew ...

Yes, I have known of this issue for quite some time ... I've got some
friends at work who are blue oval fans ... and from Sable to Taurus SHO ...
tranny problems are well known.  I have posted this before in response to
someone commenting upon the robustness of Audi slushboxes ... from my point
of view Audi doesn't have to lower their gaze to Ford!  My friend just
barely dodged the bullet too ... his wife was driving their Taurus wagon
back from a trip when the car died almost right in front of the Ford dealer
... within miles of the end of the extended warranty.

My friend also has a T-Bird SC ... new short block, new blower, clutch and
tranny issues ... at one point I coveted one of these cars myself ... right
now the only Ford I would consider is the new GT-40 ... ;-)

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> They've sold 25 million of these, they have to be decent, right???
> Well, it turns out that since 1992, the automatic trannies Ford
> and Mercury has been putting into these cars and others like them
> have suffered a 20% mortality rate! There is a TSB about them
> losing 4th gear. Just disappears due to an internal fault that
> Ford has known about for 8 years!
> Recall? Hardly! Help with the repair? Must be dreaming!
> $2100 for a new tranny in a 5 year old car :-(
> So, we're pursuing the last remedy we have, a class action lawsuit.

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