Q-list and spam?

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Jan 16 11:54:55 EST 2002

At 9:44 AM -0500 1/16/02, Aaron Sherrick wrote:
>I've finally determined why I'm not receiving Q-list email.  Apparently
>the Q-lit has gotten on some spam lists and because of that my mail
>server filters out all mail from that domain.  Does anyone know anything
>about this?  Please send your responses directly to me as well as the
>list.  Thanks.

It would appear that, for some reason, we're an open relay again.
I'm not sure why, but one of the simplest relaying tricks works right
from the get-go.

Just got off the phone with Dan, who is tied up most of the day on
the road.  We're going to discuss it further later this afternoon,
meanwhile, I'm going to work on some options.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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