Cold start injector on 87 CGT (KV)

Julian Stafford julian.stafford at
Wed Jan 16 20:37:48 EST 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: rob hod <rob3 at>
To: quattro at <quattro at>
Date: 16 January 2002 19:28
Subject: Re: Cold start injector on 87 CGT (KV)

>    Julian,
>    If you look right next to the ignition coil you'll see a vacuum switch.
>It has a live feed from the idle switch (live when throttle *not* at idle
>red/yellow wire for idle switch) and is wired to the cold start live power
>supply side. It's so designed as to only briefly conduct, thus giving the
>CSV a brief spurt of power. There's no clever semicounductors involved, you
>might say its a vacuum/mechanical approach. It works at all temps.

Thanks very much, that helps a great deal. For the last 10 years I've
thought that vacuum switch was something to do with vacuum advance for the
transistor ignition, silly me;-(

One thing though, when the engine warms the CSV spurts stop. I notice that
the vacuum line hook up goes via a little device screwed into the back of
the head, at a guess I would say that this closes off the vacuum to the
switch at a certain engine temperature?

Regards Julian.

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