Long Trips in Old Audis

Ken Keith auditude at neta.com
Wed Jan 16 01:05:59 EST 2002

They say if you do take a nap in the front seat (while stopped), that it is a good idea to do it in the passenger seat or in the back.

When napping in the drivers seat, like during a long trip, it can be quite a shock when you start to wake up behind the wheel and forget that you were stopped and napping rather than falling asleep while driving!

I think I did this once, either before or after I heard the recommendation.  It really is quite shocking! <g>  Wakes you right up and gets the heart started.

If I have to rest and sleep again, I'll opt to do it somewhere besides behind the wheel if possible.



Michael L. Riebs <michael at 1stchoicegranite.com> wrote:

> Slept a couple hours in the back seat.  Far too small back there.
Yes - much better when reclining the front seat! I know - I drove my new
used V8 back to MI from VA in November (980 Mi), and slept in Ohio. No
problems for the old girl. Ran like new - thank's Bruce & Keith! And with
23MpG average on the 3,5L V8. Michael Riebs

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