NAC: re: Burglary was SF Gate: Freak fire...

Elie Spiesel espiesel at
Thu Jan 17 06:56:13 EST 2002

I hate jumping in here on a totally off-topic thread,
but it won't die... The burglar story is fake, according to -
just another hoax making the rounds, which takes on new life
everytime it's repeated.  No, NY/AZ/PA (take your pick) jurors 
are not that stupid.
95 A6q
> Wasn't NY, from what I recall, it was Arizona. And it was probably a
> civil suit, which means things are totally different (majority opinion,
> and all that). All I can say is that d__n burgular had was some slick
> lawyer.
>> This can't be true! Are New York Juries that stupid?
>>> Owner found the would be burgular (already called the cops due to
>>> the strange van in the drive) in the garage surviving off of the 
>>> cat food in the garage and water from the washing machine.
>>> Cops picked up the guy, who promptly turns around and sues the owner
>>> for mental anguish.....and WINS!

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