hydraulic leak

george mills gamills at ns.sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 17 14:59:33 EST 2002

Hi Jim,
Are you talking about the hydraulic line to the bomb? The two piece
one with the metal line off the pump and foam rubber covered one
connected to it that goes to the bomb? You can slide the foam rubber
down with a little persuasion to inspect the bottom line. On my 87 44q
I think it simply flexed too many times and failed. On others I have
heard that they fail after X-amount of years. The bottom line wasn't
*too* spendy at the dealer and IIR came with the damper. They had
three or four in stock, so I guess that gives you an idea about the
need. I was fortunate to get the whole thing from Al Swackhammer of
west coast fame who was parting out an 87 at the time and what I
received was in fine condition. Mine has the crush washer attachment
to the bomb. BTW, the crush washer to o-ring occurred during the 87
model year with a VIN of 18,xxx. I couldn't find any other sources
beside the dealer at the time ('bout three years ago). I think someone
posted some time ago about getting this rebuilt somewhere, but I don't
know what came of it. Perhaps if they're still on the list they will
chime in.


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