Shine Racing Service, Walpole, MA... ever heard of them?

Brett Dikeman brett at
Thu Jan 17 14:46:05 EST 2002

At 9:58 AM -0800 1/17/02, Sean Ford wrote:
>I've just stumbled across a shop called Shine Racing Service in
>Walpole, MA, and they claim to be an Audi/VW shop... anyone ever heard
>of them?
>I called looking to see if they carried Redline oils for my
>transmission, and ended up having a conversation with the owner. This
>is maybe only significant for me, but they're literally around the
>corner from where I live, and they specialize in Audi repair & service
>with a slant towards performance. My God! Is this too good to be true?!
>I'm going to stop over there this afternoon to talk Audi's and set up
>an appointment for some simple maintenance work. This will be GREAT if
>this is a knowledgeable shop; the owner certainly sounded enthusiastic
>about the brand. I can walk to this place, ferchrissakes!

They're great guys, I'd take the time to drive to them any day.  They 
installed my suspension on my 200q20v, did a great job.  They do just 
about everything including full race prep, and every year, they race 
Mt. Washington.  Tell 'em I said hi, I keep bumping into one of their 
guys at different things...I don't remember his name, but he's the 
only one redhead in the shop.  Hes' the one who drives Mt 
Washington...runs their yellow Scirocco.  He dropped off+picked me up 
at the local commuter line station, and at the end of the day, I got 
a ride in my car I won't forget.  Let's just say we got back to the 
shop -very- quickly.  "Yeah, the limit with this car now is 
clearly...<screeeeeeeeeee>...the tires."


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin	(PGP Public Key)

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