[s-cars] Leather Upholstery Maintenance

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Tue Jan 15 00:45:46 EST 2002

I think you will need some heat to get effective absorption.  I suppose
you could warm up the interior until you couldn't stand it.  :)

I don't recall Hide Food being hopelessly obnoxious.  But leather and
lanolin will smell like leather.  I use Horseman's One Step from my
nearest feed store pending getting some more Hide Food.


t44tq at mindspring.com wrote:
> Kirby-
> If lanolin is the key ingredient, wouldn't Lexol conditioner have
> that as well? I know (for some reason I remember this) that Eagle
> One leather conditioner has lanolin in it, at least the formula
> from about 3 years back does.
> I've been told on several occasions that Connolly Hide Food is really nasty, smelly stuff- I'd rather not use something that nasty and smelly if it can be avoided. Also, with the cold weather here, I don't think anything that requires heat and soak-in time will work (at least not until I get a heated garage).
> Taka
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