Hydraulic leak
james accordino
ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 15:44:01 EST 2002
Thanks for the input. I thought that was probably the
answer, but could never get fluid to actually come out
when I was watching. I thought maybe the threaded
connection or even the restrictor was playing a role.
Jim Accorino
--- Al Powell <powellae at attbi.com> wrote:
> Jim, saw your post/ I've had a slow leak in the HP
> hose of my 1990 200 - the
> fluid accumulated in that sheath and soaked it. I
> tightened the coupling
> above it a couple of times; each time, it would
> improve for a while. Finally
> replaced the lower half of the hose (from coupling
> to the bomb) and it solved
> the problem.
> Al Powell
> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:27:48 -0800 (PST)
> From: james accordino < >
> Subject: hydraulic leak
> To: audi list <quattro at audifans.com>
> I'm reposting since nobody answered. Has anyone
> ever
> had their high pressure hose leak right below the
> joint to the solid steel line off the pump? It
> seems
> to build up right on top of the foam/rubber sheath.
> It's not spraying or dripping, just kind of there.
> I
> really can't see where it's coming from and the
> quantity lost is minute. This still bothers me.
> Also
> does anyone have a clean steel line for a 100/200?
> O-ring type.
> Jim Accordino
> ************************************
> Al Powell
> Fort Collins, CO
> cougfan1 at gocougs.wsu.edu
> ************************************
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