Can we please talk about A6 t-belt replacement intervals again???

Kam Purewal kam.purewal at
Fri Jan 18 13:01:41 EST 2002

My A6 was in for a routine visit at my Audi dealer about 4 months ago and
while in their workshop the water pump seized.

The result was a broken drive belt and many bent valves. Both heads where
changed under warranty and the dealer made at an invoice to Audi UK for the
sum of 4000UKP.

The car had 49,000 miles and there was no warnings of an imminent water pump

BTW, Hi to everyone. I only subscribed a few days ago and this is my first
mail to the list.

Kam Purewal
Midlands, UK
99 A6Q 2.8

>===== Original Message From <rowe at> =====
>For the 98 A6 Audi owner's/maintenance manual says 90K, some of you say
>60K while others say 75K.  Some say 90K for 30V and 60K for 12V.  Which
>is it?  Has anyone experienced or heard of a failure before 90K?  From
>what I gather, the pump goes at around 75K which causes the belt to go.
>Does the pump show any warnings before it goes?  TIA

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