Shine Racing Services: Spring Tech Session?

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at
Fri Jan 18 07:18:57 EST 2002

Sorry, I may have sent this twice.

--- Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
>    I don't think a ton of people are particularly close to them, but
> they're good enough that its worth the trip(similar to Greg Haymann;
> I was willing to drive the hour+ to get to his shop when I was in
> NY.)

Walpole may not be central, but it's pretty convenient. From the north:
Rt 95S, to the Wrentham/Foxboro Stadium exit. Right at the first set of
lights, left onto 1A at the second set of lights. A couple of miles to
Industrial Road on the left, first left onto Production Road, first
driveway on the left. From the South: Rt 95N to Rt 495N to Rt 1N. Left
at the 3rd set of lights (after Dalzell Volvo and State Police
barracks), right onto rt 115, right at lights onto 1A, a few miles up
the road, just past Goldie's salvage yard, right onto Industrial, left
onto Production, left into the first driveway.

> How about "Spring Tech Session".  We should probably call first.

I can bring this up with Dick Shine when I see him on Wednesday. It'd
be nice if I could give him a ball park figure on the number of
attendees, who all is interested? The number may convince him that it's
good for business.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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