'91 V8Q 5 sp for sale...$2k obo

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Jan 20 14:06:35 EST 2002

You want to disappear in traffic?  Get Audi's standard grey color/black
plastic pieces.  That's our V8.

At 10:28 PM 01/19/2002 -0500, Larry C Leung wrote:

>As a pearl 200 owner, I'd say the black (or anthracite or whatever
>special color Brett's is, can't ever remember the name. Cool color
>though, but definitely don't call it black) is less conspicuous. It's
>usually easy to spot any form of white in traffic, unless ALL of the
>traffic is white. Black is harder to care for, but much less spotable in
>traffic. As I had posted earlier, the only way I could tell where Taka's
>anthracite 200Q was when it was carving traffic after Waterfest was the
>orange of the stock 200 tail (of course a V8 wouldn't have THAT
>problem!). Of note, the neuS4 he was playing with in Zermatt was even
>LESS conspicuous than the anthracite. Guess shades of grey blends in the
>best, if that was your concern.
>LL - NY
>On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 18:49:32 -0500 Kent McLean
><kentmclean at mindspring.com> writes:
> >Michael L. Riebs wrote:
> >>Kent Mclean wrote:
> >> > Please don't let it be black on black.
> >>
> >>Huh?? Why not? That's the prettiest kind - with sports seats! (I know
> >-
> >>personal taste differences - no flames please, YMMV)
> >
> >Because I fell in love with that color combination
> >when I saw Brett's 20v200 at Redbone's a year or so
> >ago. If I can find a low (100K) mileage black over
> >black 4.2L V8, I'll dump Bad Puppy. Just don't tell
> >her. I'd consider Pearl white over black; I think
> >it's less conspicuous.
> >
> >Kent McLean
> >'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"
> >

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