'91 V8Q 5 sp for sale...$2k obo

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Mon Jan 21 18:24:03 EST 2002

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> At 6:23 PM +0100 1/20/02, Per Lindgren wrote:
> >Brett Dikeman wrote:
> >
> >>  I was told by the PO that it's Panther Black, but I can't, for the
> >>  life of me, find that a color by that name anywhere.  I've become
> >>  more and more suspicious that the color name was entirely made up.
> >
> >My previous car, the 1992 A100 2.8q Avant, had color "Panther Metallic
> >(Black)", color code LY9Z, sales code L7.
> Well I'll be, guess it's confirmed!  Trunklid code says LY9Z.  I
> don't have a "sales code"

The sales code is the code that is used on the color charts in the sales
brochures, and also used when a dealer orders a car. Not the same as the
paint code, and I dont know why VW/Audi operates with two codes for one

> , but rather an interior code of 079/RL(Real
> Leather? :-)

RL is the kode for Graphite interior, RG is Nautic and RK is Platinum.
Instead of 079, the Euro FA had M79 as PR-No. (which I dont know means)

> >  Basically, it's a metallic black.
> You never noticed the purple tint?

I cant recall any purple tint in the 92, no. And since Panther was he only
black besides the solid Brilliant Black (which I have on my Cabby), I dont
remember wrong either.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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